Hello. I’m Jesse.

A front-end web developer with values.

About Jesse

Black and white portrait of Jesse at a mic

For me, web development means using code to bring ideas to life – and on this journey, I get to solve puzzles. I love solving puzzles.

When an idea strikes, I’ll race to my notepad and scribble feverishly – it’s like my whole body knows what to do and can’t wait to get it down. When I sit down to code, I get to put my creative idea into action, a supremely satisfying experience.


In my work, I am grounded in my values. This means they inform my work and act as a guiding light wherever there is ambiguity. Here are a few of my most important values:

Integrity means telling the truth even when it's hard. That starts with being honest with myself and asking questions like these:

  • What is truly possible here?
  • What can I deliver as a developer?
  • Do I need to ask for help?

To answer these questions, I take a breath, get honest and then take the right action.

All websites need to be accessible to all users, regardless of ability or disability. I take this seriously in my work.

I do the research to stay abreast of the latest accessibility developments and incorporate them into my sites. Additionally, I test my sites with a screenreader (NVDA) to ensure they’re navigable using assistive technologies.

Do you see room for improvement in this site’s accessibility? I’m always open to feedback. Use the contact form below to send me a message.

As I’ve grown as a person, I’ve come to see how joy can permeate everything we do – and create the opportunity for connection.

Joy is often in the details, be it a satisfying animation or a playful accent color. It says, “Hey you. I see you. I care about your experience. And I’d love to bring a smile to your face.”


Peruse the projects I've created so far.

Screenshot of a searchable employee directory
API-based employee directory

This site pulls in sample employee data from a publicly available API using fetch(). Clicking an employee card brings up a modal view. Here are some challenges I encountered in this project:

  • Limiting the employees displayed in the modal view to allow switching only between employees matching the search criteria
  • Formatting employee data to fit three different viewport widths (emails can be long!)
  • Paring down the fetch() call and using try{} and catch{} for the first time
Screenshot of an online dashboard
Dashboard with alerts

This site presents a customizable dashboard with an interactive chart. I used the Chart.js plug-in to display data in custom line, bar and donut charts. Some challenges I faced:

  • Learning a new plug-in can be hard – especially when documentation is spotty
  • relative and absolute positioning were critical here for visual markers – no cheating was allowed 😉
  • Styling nested CSS grids was challenging, especially when accounting for responsiveness in this mobile-first design
Screenshot of an online word-guessing game
Word-guessing game

This site is a JavaScript-based game that presents the player with a randomly selected phrase. The player must then choose letters – hangman style – to guess the words in the phrase.

If the player misses too many letters, the game ends and the player can reset to try again.

Some challenges I faced in this fun project:

  • Crafting reusable JS that could be called on load and on reset
  • Converting strings to arrays of letters and handling spaces
  • Using loops to check for matches

Note: This project is optimized for desktop displays only.

Screenshot of a searchable image gallery
Searchable image gallery

This site presents the user with a responsive grid of images. The user can search for terms in each image’s title and caption.

When the user clicks an image, the Lightbox plug-in displays a large view of the image in a full-screen modal window, which also provides navigation between photos.

Some challenges I encountered in this project:

  • Implementing the Lightbox plug-in (my first JS plug-in 🥰)
  • Building a JS search function from scratch
  • Ensuring media query-free responsiveness with CSS Grid


Are you interested in a quote or in collaborating on a project? Please fill out this form and I’ll get back to you shortly:

Asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

I’ll respond to this address.